Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day

“My son, you are here with me always; everything I have is yours. 
But now we must celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was 
dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.” 
[Lk. 15: 31-32]
One of the most vivid memories of my father was when my brother and I watched him work through the window of his mechanic shop. I would see the sweat running down his forehead from the 100+ degree San Antonio summer, and his hands blackened from the engine grime. I have always been humbled by this image of my father as it reveals his complete self-sacrifice for our family. It is this willingness to love that has helped each person in my family become the people we are today. 
Fatherhood has changed immensely throughout the course of human history. However, I believe the eternal bond of fatherhood, God’s plan between a father and child, has remained uninterrupted. The image which comes to mind is that of Rembrandt’s Return of the Prodigal Son. Rembrandt’s experience of this parable is so complete in its sincere portrayal of a father’s unconditional embrace of his once lost son. The son being held in the father’s tender and strong embrace reveals not only the need of a the father’s compassion and mercy but also the son’s yearning for reconciliation. It is in this consoling realty that the two find redemption. 
Rembrandt's "Return of the Prodigal Son"
Working with children who come from separated families has highlighted for me the importance of such a sense of fatherhood. The effect of the increasingly absence of fatherhood in our society should be something distressing as it reveals a culture which restricts the innermost sense of self for both the child and the father.

Reaffirming the impact of this absence is the beauty of fatherhood which becomes distanced in a father's rejection of their children. The beauty of fatherhood is something so complete that when one experiences its absence one feels even incomplete. In the Radiation of Fatherhood, Karol Wojtyla suggested that becoming a father meant being "conquered by love." To be conquered by love in this way is to be liberated in the deepest sense of human freedom: for only in "the radiation of fatherhood...does everything become fully real."
Being something which is ‘fully real’ when embracing fatherhood makes being a father the embodiment of strength, tenderness, and mercy. Something which is so needed in our culture! A father has an eternal bond with their child and for this there is always hope for a reconciliation to occur.  

Today can therefore be seen as one of the greatest opportunities to pray for all of the father's of the world! I hope that all father's find the strength, tenderness, and mercy in their hearts to extend their arms and receive their children. 
Gracias por todo Papa! TQ, xoxoxo! :) 

Radiation of Fatherhood
Abuelo, today we remember your fatherhood! You were always so ready to extend love to others!! :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Trading in the Tonka Trucks for the Big Books

"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" 
(Jn 10:10)
My older brother Robert recently moved to San Antonio to begin law school. I would love it if you would take a couple of minutes to write him a little message of encouragement so that we can extend to him the utmost support for all that is awaiting him on this new horizon! Let me know if you'd like his email or mailing address! :) 
Our family started the chain with some brief messages:

It brings us all great joy to see you begin this new period in your life. I feel as though it was just yesterday when you were running me over with the Tonka Truck! I'll have to admit though.... I think by now you've redeemed yourself from those days! ;) It’s funny that it was in the midst of our malnourished, sleep-deprived, and physically draining university years that our relationship blossomed!

I believe that one knows when they have found their best friend when one feels as though one’s heart has been created to understand the other. I have been so blessed to have found such a friendship in you Robert! This is one of the reasons why I am so happy that you’re following the yearning of your heart to enter law and pursue something which encompasses all who you are.

Reflecting on this period in our lives I find it fitting to think of St. Augustine’s words: “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you". I have always thought this phrase to be so revealing of our search for Truth and the movement towards our vocations. Bl.  JPII once said that it is in the restless heart that we live out the unity of the one finality with the people we love. This period in our lives can therefore be seen as the greatest preparation which allows us to learn to give ourselves freely at every moment of our movement towards the most beautiful spousal relationship- the sincere fullness of a life lived for God.

I decided to begin this little blog post with the scripture John 10:10: "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" to show how proud we are that you are following your heart to find this most beautiful life! These few words of the gospel contain all the joy and love which we have for you during this period of preparation as you begin your studies, work, and relationship with Olivia.

You are such an example to all of us and we are always holding you in the heart of our prayers!
Love you brother and ciao my friend!!
Teresa :) 
Hi Robert!!!
I’ve been trying to break into the town home swimming pool but there always is people. We’ve been seeing our cousins ALL the time!
I wuv you!

Hello Robert, 
Ryan has replaced you. He takes us to play basketball and board games and eats tortilla chips and lima beans while watching the championship. So boo-yah.
But really... we miss you a lot.

Hello Robert, 
This is John Paul. I miss you. Your bed is very comfortable. We hope you come back soon, later dog. 
John Paul

Yo Robby, What it do?!
Man the house feels like a different place without you! Super strange not being able to hear you play your guitar,  or hear your late night song recording, or hear your one-lined comments to johnny, “go get a bag fatty” :D  and now there’s a new tenant in your room! Ever since he moved in it doesn’t feel like the manly side of the house anymore hahah. I know you’re having a blast in San Antonio and we’ll have to visit you over there! Take care my brother and I’ll see you soon!
p.s. Can’t believe you didn’t say goodbye to me in the morning like you said you would …you said it in spirit…not really but I felt like if you remembered you would have :D
p.s.s. Love you bro and I’ll talk to you soon!


Dearest Robertito!! 
Thank you for being such a wonderful example of how a young man should be. In my life this has meant understanding how young men should behave and act. Through you I have witnessed how a man should be respectful of women, how a man should develop a deep love for God and of how a man chooses to live his life purposefully. You have inspired me to never settle for anything less than what I deserve. I am thankful for a brother like you…even if you did call me sumo wrestler at one point (: … I still am grateful for all the memories I have shared with you because without any of these I would not be the same person. In all our struggles and joys that we have shared with one another, I have experienced the great love that God has given me by placing a wonderful brother like you in my life. I notice that all of your brothers truly do look up to you. They have a good example of what a Christian man is. I want to encourage you to continue developing your relationship with Christ. Remember that Christ is present with you at all times and because of this there is no reason to have anxieties about the future. He knows you so deeply that He knows everyone of your strengths and weakness, and because of this He knows where to give you strength and enlightenment to ease your worries and help you in your pathway to strengthening your faith. I love you and I have prayed for you by name!!  :) 

Hi Robert…
We miss you so much but we all rejoice in God’s blessings for you. Even though there is distance between us you are very much a part of our lives as a loving son and brother whom we love so much.
BIG HUG, little hug, BIG KISS, little kiss,   
Mom & Dad
We're so proud of everything you have accomplished!!
Ps. We made some masks to help us cope with your absence!
Just smile and and nod... it's gotten us this far in life!! ;) 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Welcome to the Family Patricio!!

Congratulations my beautiful Eileen!!!
Our sweet Patricio!! Welcome to our family!

It’s amazing how you have already begun to teach us great lessons in love.  Our time with you is a reminder of our need to cherish and celebrate life! You are such a blessing to us and we will forever hold you close and remind you of the love which has already surrounded each of our hearts! 

The proud abuelo!!
As you come to know our entire extended family you’ll see what a crazy group of people we are. Jajajaja, we’re not normal by any means but that is one of the great parts of living in this family!! Even though privacy and closet space are quite limited in this bunch- I promise: you will never be bored, overlooked, forgotten, or deserted. Each one in this eccentric group has something different to offer and we expect that you will grow up to also nourish and share all of the amazing gifts and talents that God has blessed you with! 

Primer baƱo!!! :)
I thought I’d take a little time to give you a heads up about the amazing Team Moreno which you have just been recruited into!!

Maria Andrea is your oldest sister and is one of the most thoughtful girls you will come to know! There are so many things you can learn from her! With Maria around you will always have someone to read to you and maybe she can even teach you how to play the flute! Your second oldest sister, Regina, will always be ready to remind you of the love she has for you! An example of this was today in the hospital when she sang you to sleep. She knew that you had a very busy afternoon and wanted you to get some rest. Your youngest sister, Elisa, is one of the most talented and creative girls in the world!! I cannot even begin to describe to you the joy and color that she lives her life by! Every minute I spend with her I learn to see the world anew and I know that she will also allow you to share in this!

And as for your brother, not only are you blessing him with another male presence in the house, but you are allowing him to have a brother for all the days of his life! What an amazing gift! As you will come to see, brotherhood is one of the most amazing things that anyone can ask for! He will not only be your partner in adventures but he will be the person in which you can entrust your innermost dreams. We all look forward to the way God is intertwining each of your lives and ensuring that each of you share in the love that is holding your family together. 

We're so happy to finally meet you little man!!
And as for your parents, Patricio- you are truly blessed!! They are such beautiful examples for all of us!! They have taught me how to trust in God’s love and cherish the beauty of family. Their openness to life has forever changed our family.

We will always hold you in the heart of our prayers Patricio! We love you so much already and this love will only continue to grow as we come to know you. With all that said…. let’s get this party started!!! ;) 

You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works! My very self you knew; my bones were not hidden from you, When I was being made in secret, fashioned as in the depths of the earth. Your eyes foresaw my actions; in your book all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be. How precious to me are your designs, O God; how vast the sum of them!” [Psalms 139: 13-17]

Patricio! It's amazing how much joy you have already brought us!
Tienes las mejores hermanas en el mundo Patricio!
The Moreno men unite!!
You should have seen how much Elisa was dancing for your arrival! :)
We promise to forever cherish the blessing of your life Patricio!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Month of the Sacred Heart!

"[...] One soldier thrust his lance into his side, and immediately blood and water flowed out."

(John 19:34)
It’s difficult for me to remember a time in my life where I wasn’t drawn to the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Even in between the pages of doodles in my Kindergarten diary I find little smudged images where I had once attempted to draw the Sacred Heart. Since then, I have continued to cherish this devotion in my faith and have been blessed with the opportunity of experiencing one of the most enduring Love stories!  

The month of June is of special importance for me as it is dedicated to the veneration of the divine Heart. Not just one day, but every day! I encourage everyone to pray to the Sacred Heart during this special month and see what God may want to reveal in your own heart.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is special because it represents not simply His physical heart but His love for all mankind. In permitting His redeeming love to enter into the deepest recesses of our hearts we, like Mary, give Him our complete “Yes” to transform our own heart for others. The world needs these hearts: hearts open to God, purified by contemplation of God, and stronger to respond to our own cross.

I would love to hear from anyone who may want to share experiences, prayers, or special intentions during this month!  I will be keeping you in my prayers as well and may the Lord bring peace into your heart!

"Everything that God wanted to tell us about Himself and about his love he placed in the Heart of Jesus, and by means of that Heart he has told us everything. We find ourselves before an inscrutable mystery. In Jesus’ Heart we read the eternal divine plan of the world’s salvation. It is a plan of love." [Pope John Paul II, Homily in Elblag, Poland June 6, 1999]

Sacred Heart Litany: