Two posts in 2 days?! Oh yeah! :)
Since I never penned a birthday homage for Anabelle, I thought to dedicate this one to my little babushka. Included is an elaborated message I sent to family on the morning of her birthday, as well as her 12 month photos. Enjoy! :)
Good morning!
Today I woke up with a big smile on my face. It was a
busy first year which included: being born, learning lots of cool tricks, trying amazing new
foods and flavors (have you eaten beans???!!!!! They're my favorite! Seriously…what could be in these little puffs of deliciousness), making new friends, and celebrating everything from weddings, holidays, new
cousins, and now my birthday! Wow! You old guys must have done so much more
by now!
Since I’m obviously an expert with this life thing now, I
thought I’d share three of the main things I've learned (I’ll add more next year since I can only count to 3 so far):
1 1.) KEEP TRYING. Even though I still fall a couple times a
day, never get to play with those magical wires behind the t.v., and cry every
time I have to put on clothes (I mean doesn't it feel so much better to be
naked?)- it is pretty cool that one day you seem to walk better, find other things to play with, and yes....even learn to like clothes (...sometimes). I've still fallen way more times then I have run, but for some reason everyone still seems to cheer for me. So it only makes sense: why give up now?
2 2.) Let life SURPRISE, HUMOR, and AMAZE you. It seems like every time I've figured something out, I discover something new about it. If you think about it, life is kind of like peek-a-boo. Just when you think you're looking at boring hands....BAM! My world is turned upside down!!!! Out pops a silly face and I can't help but get excited all over again. It's important to explore, laugh, cry, and savor everything you're able to embrace. Otherwise, you might miss the best peek-a-boos in life.
3 3.) As important as it is to discover and love the
world….it is even more important to DISCOVER and LOVE PEOPLE. At one point I only
wanted Mama. While I still stay close to mama, I now can't get enough of smiling at a new world of people and seeing how they react. It didn't take long for me to realize that people came in different sizes, made different sounds, spoke funny words, moved fast' slow' and shaky with music, and were each packaged in their own bows and clothes. The little ones, like me, were great to practice crawling and running with (they even understood my jokes and we'd laugh all day). The ones with deep crinkles on their faces told great
stories and gave me yummy fruits to eat. The ones in pretty robes stood in front of everyone teaching us how to sing, be quiet, sit still, and look at Jesus (yeah...still trying to figure them out). Furry people were always making crazy noises, and would run around with their tongues sticking out while wagging their tails! The people I saw everyday kissed my booboos, took a billion pictures of me, let me take them on walks, cleaned my bottom, read me books, let me fall asleep in their arms, ahhhhhh....I'm getting tired of listing things.
With everything that I experienced this past year, you know what made life amazing? You and all those who helped me feel loved! The many hugs, treats, prayers and
love have made every day special and unique. This
beautiful experience of love has helped me feel as
though I am still in God's hands.
Thank you for every thing and here's to year 2!
I can't wait to play with you again!
I love you very much!
2013-14 as told by my favorite teacher, our sweet Bellina:
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Thank you for this sweet adventure, Bellina! We love you!!! |