Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!
Psalm 27:4
Yesterday, marked the baby's first 'Psych Out'. I was about 100% sure that we'd get to see her beautiful face by the end of the day. But......"Hello due date!"....chirp, chirp...."Goodbye due date!" At 40weeks +1day, we are still eagerly awaiting the birth of our little girl.
Two nights ago I woke up around 2am due to a pretty strong contraction. I tried going back to sleep but they came pretty regularly and continued to wake me up. They stayed around the 8-10min range so I decided to let Karim sleep. Between timing and some middle of the night reading- I began thinking: "How cool would it be to have her on the Feast of the Visitation, a day which embodies the greatest day for pregnant women!!" (At that point, I was picturing our little girl dancing in the womb with John the Baptist & her BFF, Baby Jesus, heehee). I realized that since the next stage of labor was still hours away, we could possibly go to mass and receive reconciliation. That prompted me to finally wake Karim up around 5:30 and let him know that I was possibly in labor... and it was imperative that we go to the 6:30am mass. :-)
Looking back- I guess I should have approached this wake up call a different way- Still half asleep, all he must have heard was- "I'm in labor. Let's go to mass." To clear confusion up on why we were not going to the hospital I explained that the contractions I was feeling were not increasing or occurring close together yet. So after folding laundry (haha, I didn't want to leave clean laundry unfolded in case we did go to the hospital) we were off to our 6:30 mass where we shared in the Eucharist, celebrated the Feast of the Visitation, and received the sacrament of Reconciliation. Great start to our little girl's supposed "Birthday!"
hahaha, The day lost momentum after that and the contractions never increased or became more frequent. The rest of the day included hanging out at the house with Hana who just returned from Italy (!!!), taking the BEST nap on the trampoline under the palm trees, and winded down the day with some netflix. With the baby still dancing in the womb with her buddies John the Baptist & Baby Jesus, this made us think that it was indeed- just a false alarm and labor will ensue within the week.
I guess we can say her psych out did give us a cute taste of things we might experience in the coming days: a chance to find support in our family, a chance for increased unity between me and Karim, a chance to meet Christ in a special way, and tremendous excitement and motivation to finally meet our daughter!
So stay tuned for the real "Birthday" story! Coming soon to a theater near you... :-)
Since I don't have any adorable baby photos yet I'll include....pictures of fishies! hahaha, I'll take Dory's advice from Finding Nemo and: "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!" ;-)
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To start the underwater adventure...Meet our little pets! Our dear clown fish: Da-Vinci :-) |
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Our featherduster- looks like a beautiful flower even though it's a worm! |
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"Frito"- our cleaner shrimp. |
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Some little lovelies around the house! :) |
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Now off to the pros- some photos from a family day at the aquarium! :) |
Can you believe these are Seahorses!?! God is sooooo creative! :) |
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My fearless one! Oh you know...just petting sharks ;-) |
We are all humbled and draw nourishment and fruitfulness from the most precious of gifts: a new life. We have all been interiorly renewed by the gift of this gift...and we all proclaim with you, Karim and Teresa, that we are a people for life for we journey and we are guided and sustained by this truth: to preach the Gospel of Life. We are in unity with you as we joyfully await the birth of your daughter, our grandaughter. Thank you, Teresa & Karim for a most beautiful blog!